Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Student Teaching

Well, I haven't completely abandoned this blog after all, and as I sit here, feeling sick, running a temperature and waiting on a text message response, I feel I have the time to write. :)

I started my student teaching last Wednesday in Mrs. Smith's Kindergarten class! I am loving the kids and the opportunity to spend my days in the classroom! This week and next we are studying the colors, so I have had the distinct pleasure of scouring my wardrobe for the brightest and best of each color! Monday was yellow day, Tuesday was green day, Wednesday was orange day, today will be red day (I will be sorry to miss it!) and Friday is purple day. I think purple day will be my favorite, mostly because I own enough purple to make the whole school feel like the California Raisins!

I haven't been feeling well lately, and I feel like I've been running around like a decapitated chicken, but somehow my life has managed to stay tacky-glued together. Cheerleading also started last Wednesday and I ended up with a group of 15 girls. I have 12 8th graders and 3 7th graders, and I'm very excited for a great season. Today we had captain tryouts, and I believe I ended up with 4 very capable 8th grade captains. It really makes my heart happy to see the girls succeed! Our first game is next Thursday, so pray for me!

Also, although I am not going to Elementary school tomorrow (Hello, Dr. Seeber!) I have to start my college class tomorrow night, and I am less than enthusiastic about the thought of adding one more element to my already hectic life. When did everything become so pressing that I couldn't enjoy sitting down to a diet coke and a good TV show?

Well anyhow, I suppose I should let my ramblings subside and take some medicine, and head to bed. And I'm still waiting on that text message reply. Go figure. :)