Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Student Teaching

Well, I haven't completely abandoned this blog after all, and as I sit here, feeling sick, running a temperature and waiting on a text message response, I feel I have the time to write. :)

I started my student teaching last Wednesday in Mrs. Smith's Kindergarten class! I am loving the kids and the opportunity to spend my days in the classroom! This week and next we are studying the colors, so I have had the distinct pleasure of scouring my wardrobe for the brightest and best of each color! Monday was yellow day, Tuesday was green day, Wednesday was orange day, today will be red day (I will be sorry to miss it!) and Friday is purple day. I think purple day will be my favorite, mostly because I own enough purple to make the whole school feel like the California Raisins!

I haven't been feeling well lately, and I feel like I've been running around like a decapitated chicken, but somehow my life has managed to stay tacky-glued together. Cheerleading also started last Wednesday and I ended up with a group of 15 girls. I have 12 8th graders and 3 7th graders, and I'm very excited for a great season. Today we had captain tryouts, and I believe I ended up with 4 very capable 8th grade captains. It really makes my heart happy to see the girls succeed! Our first game is next Thursday, so pray for me!

Also, although I am not going to Elementary school tomorrow (Hello, Dr. Seeber!) I have to start my college class tomorrow night, and I am less than enthusiastic about the thought of adding one more element to my already hectic life. When did everything become so pressing that I couldn't enjoy sitting down to a diet coke and a good TV show?

Well anyhow, I suppose I should let my ramblings subside and take some medicine, and head to bed. And I'm still waiting on that text message reply. Go figure. :)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's beginning to feel alot like... January!

Well... all of our Christmases are done and it's been a great holiday season! We got to spend some quality time with family and it was nice to see everyone! We spent the 20th in Tonkawa with my mom's side of the family, where Anthony was overjoyed to recieve his very first Brett Favre fathead. We are beginning to redo the basement so he can proudly hang it on the wall in a spot of honor. We are even painting the floor like a football field so Favre can feel at home. :) The next morning we went to church and listened to Grandma and Grandpa's Christmas Cantata. They did a very nice job. Then we went to Grandma Hobbs' house to wait out our next Christmas, which was out and Uncle Dale's new house. Their house was very nice and we had a great time. Since then, we've cleaned up the house a little, filled up a new fridge (our biggest Christmas present!!!) and begun finding places for all our Christmas gifts. Wow, has time flown... I can't believe it's almost January! Guess it's time to get ready for the new year!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Busy Busy Busy!

Well... married life sure has been interesting! With Anthony's truck needing a new engine, and our fridge/freezer going out, and going on our honeymoon cruise, and Christmas, things have been busy... sometimes in a good way, sometimes not so much. BUT, Anthony and I have had a great time being together and it's nice to be done with our wedding. (Although it was beautiful and everything I could have hoped for!!) This past week we went on our honeymoon cruise which was a gift from my parents. The weather in Mexico was FANTASTIC and we even got a sunburn! We went snorkeling and did some market shopping, and gorged ourselves on cruise food! I will put up pictures as soon as I can. I think my favorite part of the trip was the snorkeling in Cozumel. There were fish EVERYWHERE and Anthony even got a slap in the face by one! But it was the most beautiful water, sand, and reefs I've ever seen. All in all we had a great time, and really enjoyed it! (Thanks Mom and Dad!) Countdown for Christmas... 6 Days!

Monday, November 10, 2008

The First of Many

So I created this blog because my brother Matt and sister in law, Stacia have one. I really enjoyed reading theirs, and I think it's a great way to keep everyone updated on our lives, pre-and post-marriage. :) Right now Anthony is at work at Target and I'm at home trying to do everything I can that's not productive. Actually, tonight I had cheerleading practice for my middle school team, and it was... interesting. We've got a long way to come to be where we ended last season. But that's okay, every team has work to do. Anthony and I are trying to prepare ourselves for our upcoming wedding, which sometimes just consists of making sure we're both still sane. Anyway, hope this isn't going to waste, I'll try to update as much as possible.